
An editorial from the President of the Richelieu Committee’s Defence Commission

Why the need for a newsletter devoted to Defence?

First and foremost, because it’s in our DNA. The Richelieu Committee was created in 1989 under the auspices of the DGA to respond to the issue of offset agreements in connection with the purchase of AWACS from the USA. The DGA was looking for SMEs to offset the American sales and was having difficulty finding them! It is interesting to note that the subject of offsets is still relevant today.

What is more, a third of our members, representing over a hundred companies, work in defence. This sector is currently booming: the increase in the national budget, the success of the “Équipe France” export team and technological spin-offs in the dual-use world have made this a flourishing sector for our SMEs in terms of innovation and growth.

Lastly, defence always has been and always will be a very specific sector, with its own codes, ecosystem and challenges. Out of the fifteen actions recently put forward by our Committee in its 2017 White Book, two are specifically dedicated to our defence SMEs and innovating technical companies.

A regular newsletter dedicated to defence therefore seemed more necessary than ever. In this first issue, and in subsequent issues, you will find companies affiliated to the Committee showcasing their technologies and their success. Any company wishing to present themselves will be welcome to do so in subsequent issues. You will also find an article written by an expert in the exporting of goods referred to as “dual-use”. Other articles by experts will also follow to keep you informed of regulatory issues. There will also be a focus on the SME Defence Pact, explaining how it works and its relevance for the development of our ecosystem. We would remind you that the Committee would like to see the SME Defence Pact ring-fenced by the next government. If this is the case, it will be monitored diligently by our association and we shall not fail to keep you informed.

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